Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Project proposal

Working title: Pinkie Toe

Description: a compilation of cute, innocent mini comics

~titles---descriptions: Mobius Crab---a silent, cyclical comic strip about how crabs of all sizes adorably conquer the earth, RAAWR---in this silent comic, a little girl who loves dinosaurs gets lost in her imagination with a newfound friend, Hey, Troy...---a little boy convinces his older brother that there are monsters in the closet, Plink---a decorator crab finds a date! Whatever will he wear?

Inspiration: Zac Gorman,

Adventure Time,

Letters to an Absent Father,

Maurice Sendak


Hayao Miyazaki

I <3 PONYO CRABS!!! 8D Media: analog drawings in ink on bristol edited in good ol' Photoshop

Book deets: B/W or possibly gray tones, big pages: 11 by 17, mayhaps?, most likely 10 pages long, and since most of my comics have little or no dialog I will probably handletter all this biz


Sunday, April 15, 2012