Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Drawrings Fo Muh Book

80s Dinos it is (DUH ;p)! 6 mock-up pages down (sans text...debating whether to use use it)! BOOYAKA!!!

New cover...still don't like it haha

Monday, November 8, 2010

Book Prepozalz

I have three main ideas for seperate books-each with different demensions:

Idea 1: A word-free, picture-heavy book of dinosaur-shaped pages. The dino template will be the same for each page, but how each dino is colored, patterned, or straight drawn will change. I want it to be big and graphic with a set color scheme of neon greens and pinks with lots of overly-saturated purple. This idea sounds like it would be crazy fun in execution and would most likely be fun to "read".

Idea 2: A conceptual book using text in an artistic sense while also retaining some legibility. In a sentance, this book will acheive to be "a legible abstraction of my cosciousness". I would want the format to be 8.5 x 11 and for each page to look like a graphic, well-thought-out poster. Very artsy. Very modernized. And pretencious? You bet!

Idea 3: This one would just be self-idulgence: a book of different dinosaurs dressed in 80's over-the-top fashion. This book would mix my 2 favorite interests (even if the latter is more a cosmetic interest). I've been obsessed with dinosaurs since I was a wee lad and 80s fashion is so awesomely bad that the irony of appreciating it years later is too fun too ignore. I'm thinking it will be smaller than the first two ideas and each page will include a little stanza (possibly rhyming to amp up the radness/sillyness?) about each bitchin' dino. Me thinks lines from 80s pop music may come into play? If I do pick this theme, know this: It will be colorful. It will be rediculous. It will be win.

I like all of these ideas and just need to commit to one...maybe I could get some fancy, official feedback from my instructors, yes?

Friday, November 5, 2010